For thousands of yours, science has tried to understand the mysteries of the night sky. It is an awe-inspiring achievement that a certain kind of ape has discovered that is living on a planet. That the planet is flying around a star in a galaxy..and that that galaxy that is just one of a vast sea of galaxies in a near-infinite universe. But now it seems, science is about to go one step further. It is the grandest concept imaginable, yet it has its roots in a notion that we are all familiar with, Cause and Effect.It’s a simple, yet powerful idea. Because one thing follows another, we can stray from the present, or can bravely step into the future, in confidently travel back in time.
Hubble maid the diagram by measuring just distance versus velocity or speed, of the galaxy.
He described- things future away from us moving faster way. This is revolutionised our view of the universe. Not only universe out there but also that universe is expanding and it is getting bigger and bigger with time. And it didn’t take long for someone to figure out, ‘’ if it’s getting bigger with time surely it started from somewhere,’’ there was a time where was nothings. The time was zero (0). that’s really brought out the idea –that there was a moment of creation I.e. the big bang. The big bang is an elegant answer to the biggest question that science can ever ask. It gives us a sense of origin. And however odd the notion sounds, it’s a comfort to know exactly where we came from. It starts 13.7 billion years ago. Thanks to cause and effect, science knows what happened right from very beginning of the bang itself. Well we would say almost!!!
If we look at our standard picture, and the history of our universe, in one point all the classical theory would fail, zero (0) minutes time. The strating point of time 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds.
The thing is big bang doesn't quite work. So much so that people are now starting to think the unthinkable- That big bang wasn't the beginning at all. There is no escaping the inconvenient truth that Hubble’s graph, work of genius though it is, and contains a huge problem. It tells us that everything we see in the universe today- us, trees, galaxies, emerged in an instant from nothing. And that’s a problem. It’s all effect, and no cause. The idea of ‘’ everything from nothings’’ is impossible. It can not be? How can it be that everything comes from nothing?
The thing is big bang doesn't quite work. So much so that people are now starting to think the unthinkable- That big bang wasn't the beginning at all. There is no escaping the inconvenient truth that Hubble’s graph, work of genius though it is, and contains a huge problem. It tells us that everything we see in the universe today- us, trees, galaxies, emerged in an instant from nothing. And that’s a problem. It’s all effect, and no cause. The idea of ‘’ everything from nothings’’ is impossible. It can not be? How can it be that everything comes from nothing?
Well it all depends on how we define ‘’nothings’’!! Or is it..? Nasa described there are two types of nothing- ‘’first there is what call absolute nothings, no equations, no space, no time absence of anything that the human mind can conceive of, second one, is the vacuum, which is nothings but the absence of matter.’’ So Nasa’s version of nothing is a perfect vacuum where, on the face of it, there is only energy. But in a perfect vacuum, energy some time transforms itself, temporarily and briefly, into matter. It is one the tiny explosions that might have kept going and ended up in the big bang.
So, it means big bang came from a pre-existing state, also a state of nothings. That our universe did actually come from this infinitesimal tiny explosion that took place, giving us big bang and giving us the galaxies and stars we have today. And it also means the lows of physics did not arrive with the big bang. The appearance of matter did not start the clock of time. So before big bang there was some things. And there’s an opportunity for a cause to have an effect after all. Stanford University San Francisco, Oxford and scientist around the world now started to believes that, the big bang itself is a flawed concept, Big bang is powerful idea but this idea chad its own problem.
So, it means big bang came from a pre-existing state, also a state of nothings. That our universe did actually come from this infinitesimal tiny explosion that took place, giving us big bang and giving us the galaxies and stars we have today. And it also means the lows of physics did not arrive with the big bang. The appearance of matter did not start the clock of time. So before big bang there was some things. And there’s an opportunity for a cause to have an effect after all. Stanford University San Francisco, Oxford and scientist around the world now started to believes that, the big bang itself is a flawed concept, Big bang is powerful idea but this idea chad its own problem.
Why it’s as big as it is now? The second question- who made it expands? And what cause this explosion? Normal explosion is always massy but big bang explosion produced a universe that wasn’t messy al all. To explain the big bang-‘’Inflation theory’’ had to add. Theory of Inflation can explain why it is so big and smooth as well as looks same to every direction the Big bang and inflation explained everything- the universe began with a matter-producing explosion. Than inflation sped things up and smoothed things out for a while, before disappearing, to leave the gently-expanding universe we see today. Inflation was very successful indeed. If inflation is the answer then why we need Big bang?
So, the universe began form pre-existing condition which is there forever. Real problem is scientist can’t agree what was before the big bang or even if there was a bang at all.
If we believe that the universe is expanding and if we look at its history, there was a starting point if we look backward and backward, the Big bang theory tells us it staring from nothings. The principle mathematical objection is that, as the clock is wound back, and Hubble’s zero hour is approached, All the stuff of the universe is crammed into a smaller and smaller space. Eventually, that space will become infinitely small. And in mathematics, invoking infinity is the same as giving up Or cheating.
The story of cosmology is a quest for the ultimate truth, but one where crazy notions like the big bang sometimes turn out to be correct, for a while, at least. If we are not brave enough to ask strange questions, if we are not brave enough to believe our own answer, even if they unbelievable, then, well, Ok, so you live your life, but then it is not completely fulfilled.