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Monday, 26 December 2011

Where was the Beginning ???

For thousands of yours, science has tried to understand the mysteries of the night sky. It is an awe-inspiring achievement that a certain kind of ape has discovered that is living on a planet. That the planet is flying around a star in a galaxy..and that that galaxy that is just one of a vast sea of galaxies in a near-infinite universe. But now it seems, science is about to go one step further. It is the grandest concept imaginable, yet it has its roots in a notion that we are all familiar with, Cause and Effect.It’s a simple, yet powerful idea. Because one thing follows another, we can stray from the present, or can bravely step into the future, in confidently travel back in time.

Hubble maid the diagram by measuring just distance versus velocity or speed, of the galaxy.
He described- things future away from us moving faster way. This is revolutionised our view of the universe.  Not only universe out there but also that universe is expanding and it is getting bigger and bigger with time. And it didn’t take long for someone to figure out, ‘’ if it’s getting bigger with time surely it started from somewhere,’’ there was a time where was nothings. The time was zero (0). that’s really brought out the idea –that there was a moment of creation I.e. the big bang. The big bang is an elegant answer to the biggest question that science can ever ask. It gives us a sense of origin. And however odd the notion sounds, it’s a comfort to know exactly where we came from.  It starts 13.7 billion years ago. Thanks to cause and effect, science knows what happened right from very beginning of the bang itself.  Well we would say almost!!!
If we look at our standard picture, and the history of our universe, in one point all the classical theory would fail, zero (0) minutes time. The strating point of time 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds.

The thing is big bang doesn't quite work.  So much so that people are now starting to think the unthinkable- That big bang wasn't the beginning at all. There is no escaping the inconvenient truth that Hubble’s graph, work of genius though it is, and contains a huge problem. It tells us that everything we see in the universe today- us, trees, galaxies, emerged in an instant from nothing. And that’s a problem. It’s all effect, and no cause. The idea of ‘’ everything from nothings’’ is impossible. It can not be? How can it be that everything comes from nothing?
Well it all depends on how we define ‘’nothings’’!! Or is it..? Nasa described there are two types of nothing- ‘’first there is what call absolute nothings, no equations, no space,  no time absence of anything that the human mind can conceive of,  second one, is the vacuum, which is nothings but the absence of matter.’’ So Nasa’s version of nothing is a perfect vacuum where, on the face of it, there is only energy. But in a perfect vacuum, energy some time transforms itself, temporarily and briefly, into matter. It is one the tiny explosions that might have kept going and ended up in the big bang.
So, it means big bang came from a pre-existing state, also a state of nothings. That our universe did actually come from this infinitesimal tiny explosion that took place, giving us big bang and giving us the galaxies and stars we have today. And it also means the lows of physics did not arrive with the big bang. The appearance of matter did not start the clock of time. So before big bang there was some things.  And there’s an opportunity for a cause to have an effect after all. Stanford University San Francisco, Oxford and scientist around the world now started to believes that, the big bang itself is a flawed concept, Big bang is powerful idea but this idea chad its own problem.
Why it’s as big as it is now? The second question- who made it expands? And what cause this explosion? Normal explosion is always massy but big bang explosion produced a universe that wasn’t messy al all. To explain the big bang-‘’Inflation theory’’ had to add. Theory of Inflation can explain why it is so big and smooth as well as looks same to every direction the Big bang and inflation explained everything- the universe began with a matter-producing explosion. Than inflation sped things up and smoothed things out for a while, before disappearing, to leave the gently-expanding universe we see today. Inflation was very successful indeed. If inflation is the answer then why we need Big bang?
So, the universe began form pre-existing condition which is there forever.  Real problem is scientist can’t agree what was before the big bang or even if there was a bang at all.
If we believe that the universe is expanding and if we look at its history, there was a starting point if we look backward and backward, the Big bang theory tells us it staring from nothings. The principle mathematical objection is that, as the clock is wound back, and Hubble’s zero hour is approached, All the stuff of the universe is crammed into a smaller and smaller space. Eventually, that space will become infinitely small. And in mathematics, invoking infinity is the same as giving up Or cheating.
The story of cosmology is a quest for the ultimate truth, but one where crazy notions like the big bang sometimes turn out to be correct, for a while, at least. If we are not brave enough to ask strange questions, if we are not brave enough to believe our own answer, even if they unbelievable, then, well, Ok, so you live your life, but then it is not completely fulfilled. 

Friday, 21 October 2011

Nothing is everything

What is nothing? It’s extremely difficult question to answer, because if you think about it, where ever you look around, there always seems to be some things there. ‘Things’ appear to be almost impossible escape from. Even just trying to imagine true nothingness seems impossible task.
This is more than philosophical questions, if you have box, what would happen if you remove every things from inside the box? All the air, dusts or single atom, until there NO things left! What then exist inside the box? Is it really Nothings?
You might wonder why this matters. Well Emptiness makes up almost entire Universe. Even the atoms make up our bodies, physical world we living in comprised mostly empty space. By understanding the Void or vacuum or nothings or emptiness we can understand the realty itself. Void is the deepest mystery of nature because; our universe began 14.5 billion years ago out of nothings.
Industries ever make more ingenious way to make money out of nothings, understanding and harnessing vacuum turned out to led well business , that built new technology which all take for granted. For light bulb to computer and television
The world we see is the classical world, action & reaction cause and effect, it sensible, certain, knowable. The world we think we know, the solid, the resurging world of our senses, turns out to be just tiny slice of infinite more wired wonderful universe. Our Reality is just an illusion!
Reality is much weirder then it seems, we feel like we standing still but, we are zooming at 67000mills per hours around the sun, we feel we are solid but we mostly empty space. Nothing is quiet as it seems.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

How much is your price?

Do you know the chemicals your body maid of, how much it will cost if you want to buy those?
The elements we have in every human body are 99% common. It is mixture of Air, Water, Coal, chow, ion, zinc, phosphorus and sulphur. Infect it has been estimated the elements average human maid of just cost few £/$. But somehow trillions of these ordinary atoms, conspire miraculously to organise them self into thinking breathing and living human being.
There is hidden face of nature often we don’t see or notice. There are unexpected relation between order and disorder. Natural world is one of the blooming buzzing confusion.  It’s a mass of quirky shape & blotches. The pattern of nature is not quite regular, it never repeats exactly. The natural world always comes in a pattern, which can be under pin by mathematical equations.
One of the natural processes called Morphogenesis; and it is one of the complicated processes in our body make. Morphogenesis defines the process as a self organising, for instance; to become skin, heir, eyes.  Something smooth and featureless can develop features. 
Think about the steady wend blow across the sand, create all kinds of shape. 
The grain itself organised into ripples, waves, dunes. It happens even though grain virtually identical, and have no knowledge about the shape they became part of. Same way featureless chemical soup become blob through complicate process became DNA etc.
The butterfly effect is one of remarkable discovery of human history; the tiniest difference of starting point makes a big change at the end. 
The idea of clockwise universe is an illusion. Uncertainty is everywhere, we could be wiped out from the earth, global climate dramatically be change with a few shot yeas, and if this is happen, nothings any one could do about it. Unpredictability at the heart and face the world we live in. 
The astonishing truth is natural world could be deeply and profoundly unpredictable; as it is unpredictable always there will be a pattern and structure. Pattern formations happen deep down at the bottom of the fabric of the universe.
The shape of cloud, branches of trees, adges of sea, all shape around the universe define by mathematical principal know as ‘self similarity.’ This describes the same shape repeated over and over again at smaller and smaller scale. Have look at the branches of trees, they folk and folk again and again into smaller and smaller branches. Human lungs and blood vessels are distributed exactly same pattern like the tree. 

The same way rivers are distributed into smaller steam.
The thumbprint of God or Mandelbrot set picture show each shape contain inside it smaller shape, billions of them. Baby Mandelbrot set that has gone forever. Z=Z 2 +C this simple equations has in incredible property, It is feedback on itself. Each output became the input for the next go. Complex system can be based on simple roles. It is a astonishing idea. We can look at a flock of bird. Each bird obeys very simple roles but, the flockier as a whole does a very complicated thing, avoiding the obstacles, navigating the planet with no single leader or even no conscious plan. Their behaviour is astonishing but we cannot predict how it will behave. It never repeats exactly what it does in the first place. They may looks similar but they never identical.  
All around us there is a process, that engineers this unpredictable complex system and hones them to perform this miraculous task. This process calls Evaluations. Evaluation is using nature self organising patterns. Our heart is using Belousov reactions to regulate its bit. Our blood vassals are organised like fractals. But this Evaluation is operating in cosmic Time scale. Form first life on Earth to us walking about, took in region of time 3.5 billion years.  Even though chemical wise our prise is few £/$ but, the work we do, feel, experience, we can’t measure or compare with any price.  

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Where Is Edge?

Juts think for a moment ! You are setting under the night sky, above you there is atmosphere beyond that moon and way beyond that are stars but, then what?
What is totality of everything? It is the question we all ask one point or another!
Is the universe gone forever or there is an edge? Simple question but very complex answers!!!
We are just beginning to understand how complex these questions are?

There is strange and mysterious world surrounding us. Imagine the sun just a single grain of sand. Our sun is one of multitude of Stars, surrounded by 200 billion of them in our won Milky Way galaxy alone.  Milky way galaxy is in itself just one of the 100 billion galaxies skated throughout the cosmos. This is called observable universe.  It has been estimated there are more stars in the universe then the grains of sands on all the beaches in the entire world. Just think about it for a moment!
 So, what is space? We always say ‘there is a lot of space’, I have very little space etc. Does space only exit when the stuff on it? Or does space is the meaning close by walls? Distance between two objects, does the gape still exit if you take the object away? What meaning we give to distance if it doesn’t have a start & end point? Ultimate question is ‘does the space itself has a start and end point? Or it is a place where things happen? We think we understand, but I can tell you we don’t.
The properties of space first described ‘Euclid’ over 2000years ago. We called it Euclidian geometry; He described simple logical roles, two parallel lines will remain parallel forever. If you draw a Triangle, the angles of the triangle always add up to 180degree. But, actually it’s not always true! This statement is changing when we look at the Curve space. In the curve space the angle add up 270degree.    
In the ‘General theory of relativity’ Einstein has shown the ‘Space' is bent and curved around us. Gravity is not force of attractions it is a curvature of space, so when an object falls it’s just following the curvature of space!  The reason we have gravity on earth because Earth mass bending the curvature of space. Einstein theory revelled that space is not unimaginable large but, it has shape & Structure; moreover, every things could be bent and curved in universes. ‘Edwin Hobble’ discovers that all the galaxies moving away from each other. So, the  universe is expanding, as predicted by Einstein. It also mean, long back in the time the universe was small like as a . (Dot)

When light source approach us, the light wave compressed, it will appear ‘blue’. If an object is receding the light wave stretched out, then the light source appears ‘red’. That’s why distance galaxies look read as it’s light beam starched out.

The tiny spot of Red light (photon) we see at the night sky, some of them start there journey long before we human even born in this earth. Light is massager for a long forgotten era. Through light we can discover how the universe began. At the night sky we see around 250thoused stars through the naked eye, every star we see with the naked eye is a sun that sits in our won galaxy, the Milky Way. In 2004 Hubble telescope took a picture at the night sky and capture the most distance galaxies in the universe,called ‘Hubble ultra Deep Field’,  This picture has taken over 11 days period. Almost every point of light of that image is not a star but galaxy, most distance galaxy is 13 billion light years way. That mean the light began its journey to earth 13 billion years ago, & and its over 3 time over the age of earth.
Living in the mini squall of space orbiting around the single grain of sand, we manage to reduce the size and shape of all those galaxy beaches. Isn’t it astonishing !!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Matter and Anti Matter: What is Time ?

Matter and Anti Matter: What is Time ?: "Have you ever wondered, why do you have to move into the future? Why tomorrow will be different from today? Why I am not allowed to go pas..."

What is Time ?

Have you ever wondered, why do you have to move into the future? Why tomorrow will be different from today? Why I am not allowed to go past or standing still?  Why there is difference between past and future?
I want to know what happen when time passes. What does ‘at the moment mean’? How we define time line of our life? I wanted to understand what makes time Tick? Time is no where state forward as you might think.  
The arrow of Time is very tall order. The greatest mind of Science was straggled to understand and explain Time. Event always happen in the same order. We never see time is reverse. The arrow of time always goes future. The minutes   passes, changes happens, that never undone.
To measure the time, we look at the Sun. But it’s not quite precise. The length of day actually varies all the time.  So, we cannot rely on that. If we want to know the what  time it is, then stars like Sun or anything on the sky is not very good source. We need to look at the smaller object like heart of the Atom.
 Inside the Atomic clock there is rear metal named caesium, the electron of caesium Atom makes a jump up, when that electron fall back down again it gives out lights. This light wave pick 9 billion times every second to make one Tick by atomic clock. This number never changes. The time we know, runs across the earth define by that Atomic clock. But this is not my finding what is time?
The time tick on our watch it is the time now, present time. But much what we believe in the present it drowns from the past, what we are feeling happing now, happen little while ago. Because, wave or light take time from distance to come to our eyes.  If we look at the Sun, it is 93 million mills away; Sun light takes 8.26 minutes to come to our eyes, so we are seeing the sun as it was 8 minutes in the past.  
100 years ago Einstein linked space and time together in a single object called ‘spacetime’. Spacetime is as like as fabric, where space & time waving together. As a result space & time mixed up. The outcome of this spacetime is profound.
 All we don’t experiencing the same time, my time is unique to me, as well as you time unique to you. Time is different for everyone. Everywhere in the universe the metronome (clock) tics in different rate. Two people will only ever agree the speed of time ticks, if they standing next to each other.
 If I travel pass to you increabeble first, I would see you time ticks much slower than mine. So, time is depending who is moving relative to whom. If I see someone is move in space relative to me, then I would see their time tick slower than mine. The strange nature of time does not end there, it’s not only how first we are move but , what we are next to also effects time. So you should see time ticks slower on my feet then top of my head. This because near you are the big object like earth, the more bent & warped space-time is, and the slower time ticks. (Irwin) Shapiro Time delay is the proof of the bent and warped space-time by the Sun. If we take time as a dimensions then our past and future is always existed. Future is already there. We are just travelling like we do travel in road. So, my birth,20th  birthday, my graduations, my death all this events are exist somewhere in sapacetime. This idea does not sound right, in physic it not quit precise as well. In quantum physic it says ‘nothing is certain ’. Future is probability;. Our destiny is there but, we don’t know how and when we will go there, not predetermine. So, answer of the question what is time, depends what are you doing? There is no single answer what is time. Time is some things we celebrate special moment, like you can say ‘I had a great day yesterday; I am looking forward to tomorrow’.

The arrow of time profoundly defines by the second law of Thermodynamics. At its heart contain a new concept called ‘Entropy’. It explain why every things collapse in the universes. To understand how, then we need to think not a single object but things have been made of many constitutes parts. Like the individual grain that make up the pile of sands. Entropy is a measure that how many ways we can rearrange those grains but still keep the sand pile is same, trillions of ways we can do that. In the language of Entropy- without changing the structure many ways of rearranging sand grains is ‘High Entropy’. If we make a sand castle, there are very few ways we can rearrange those sand castle. If we do any things to it virtually it will remove the beautiful structure. Because of that it has ‘Low Entropy’. Now it obvious  what will happen if we leave this sand castle, wind will blow those sand from the castle and make it sand pile. In fundamental level nothing defines that, some send pile will blow by the wind and make it as like as sand castle, it is highly unlikely. More likely what happen, low entropy sand castle will take high entropy structure sand pile. So, Entropy always increases, why because, it’s over well mainly more likely that it will.
Entropy can explain why time runs only one direction, every thing in the universes tens to go from order to disorder, so there will be difference between past & future. It means there is direction in the passage of time. Form the journey of atomic clock to the sun we can actually say what time is it?
But, still very little know about what is time !

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Sun & Planets distances...

Mercury is Approximately 58 million km (35,983,125 miles) from the Sun. Its  temperature 90 to 70 k ( 430 °C day and  -175 °C at night). Mercury orbit the Sun every  87.96 days, at the speed of 105,946 mph.  It has No atmosphere at all.

Venus is Approximately 108,209,475 km (68 millon miles) from the Sun. Venus is 40 million km distance from the Earth. It orbits 224.70 days to the Sun, at the speed of 78,339 mph. Temperature 461°C.

Earth is of about 150 million km (92,956,050 miles) from the Sun. Earth orbits  every 365.2564 mean solar days. It means it day 23.934 hours. At the speed of 66,622 mph (107,218 km/h). Earth temperature -126min and 136 max.

Our future home Mars is about  227,943,824 km ( 141,637,725 miles) away form the Sun. Its length of  day 1.026 Earth days & 24.623 hours. Mars orbit the 686.98 Earth days at the speed of 53,858mph. It temperature  -87 to -5  °C.

Largest planet Jupiter is about  778,340,821 km( 483,638,564 mile)away from Sun. It is so massive that its length of day only 9.92496 hours, and Jupiter takes 11,862615 Earth year to finished one orbit to the sun at the speed of 29,205pmh.surface temperature -148 °C.

Saturn  and its nine ice rings is 1,426,666,422 km (886,489,415 miles) fare from the Sun. Its lenth of the day 10.656 hours or 0.444 earth days. Saturn takes 29.447498 Earth years to finished one orbit to the Sun, at the speed of  21,562 mph or 34702 kmh. It temperature -178 °C

The distance from the Sun to the Uranus is­ 2,870,658,186 km (1,783,744,300 miles).Length of the day -17.23992 hours (retrograde) and it take 84.016846 Earth year to complete one orbit to the sun at the speed of 15.209mph.This is one of the coldest planet with surface temperature is -244 °C

Neptune is about  4,498,396,441 km( 2,795,173,960 miles) away from the sun. Its’ length of the day 16.11000hour, and it takes 164.79132 Earth years to finished one orbit to the sun. It means Neptune will finish its one orbit this 2011 since it discover 1846. Average orbit velocity 12.158mph, and it surface temperature -216 °C

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

We and our Sun

The Sun is the life source in the Earth, center of the Solar System.
  • ·         It has about   2x1030 kg, 330,000 times more then the Earth
  • ·         Sun  about 109 times bigger than Earth
  • ·         It alone 99% of solur system mass.
  • ·         It’s surface temperature approximately 5505 c or 5778 k
  • ·         Sun fuses 620 million metric ton of hydrogen each second.
  • ·         Form Earth the sun 150 millions km way
  • ·         The Sun radiate 400 millions, millions, millions, millions, watt per second to the surface of Earth
  • ·         Sun  orbits the center of the Milky Way at a distance fo approximately 24,000-26,000 light years from the galactic ccenter, orbiting clockwise it will take 225-250 million years, at the speed of 550 km per second to complete one orbit.
  • ·         The Sun’s fuel hydrogen will burn at list more 5 billion years.
  •           Then at the End the Sun expend 200 time more then it size today,  it will be End of time.
  •           2006 NASA lunched Stereo A & B. They are orbiting Sun and Currently the both opposite side to each other looking full view of the Sun. 


Thursday, 3 February 2011

Don't want to solve !!

Everyday we do face a huge problems. Problem in business, personal-mental,physical as well as sexual life.
''Statistics have shown, 70% of human suffering in common problem but in different ways, 20% of the people have big problem and only 10% have uncommon problem. Interesting part is above all 60% of the people can't identify their problem, only 5% do identify the problems and take action to resolve. So 35% of populations know the problems and don't act on it...!''
(Doctors Journals January 2011). (how funny !!!)
Currently I'm having a problem, I do know what is the solutions, but I don't feel like I do need to solve it, what the hell..!! It's human character...sometime we feel like let's make it big..more big.. how care.!!!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Space time

  • Earth is moving at about 67,000 miles per hour relative to the Sun.
  • The Sun ,with the Earth in tow,is traveling around the Milky Way at 486,000 miles per hours,at a distance of 156000 trillion miles from the center.At this speed,it takes 226 millions years to complete one orbit.
  •  Speed of light is constant; 299,792,458 meters per second in the vacuum of empty space.
  • A flash of light beamed out form the Earth takes around 8.26 seconds to pass the Sun, 100,000 our own Milky Way galaxy, and over 2 million years to reach nearest galactic neighbour, Andromeda.
  • If we can travel at the speed of light, Time clock will stop.