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Tuesday, 15 February 2011

We and our Sun

The Sun is the life source in the Earth, center of the Solar System.
  • ·         It has about   2x1030 kg, 330,000 times more then the Earth
  • ·         Sun  about 109 times bigger than Earth
  • ·         It alone 99% of solur system mass.
  • ·         It’s surface temperature approximately 5505 c or 5778 k
  • ·         Sun fuses 620 million metric ton of hydrogen each second.
  • ·         Form Earth the sun 150 millions km way
  • ·         The Sun radiate 400 millions, millions, millions, millions, watt per second to the surface of Earth
  • ·         Sun  orbits the center of the Milky Way at a distance fo approximately 24,000-26,000 light years from the galactic ccenter, orbiting clockwise it will take 225-250 million years, at the speed of 550 km per second to complete one orbit.
  • ·         The Sun’s fuel hydrogen will burn at list more 5 billion years.
  •           Then at the End the Sun expend 200 time more then it size today,  it will be End of time.
  •           2006 NASA lunched Stereo A & B. They are orbiting Sun and Currently the both opposite side to each other looking full view of the Sun.