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Thursday, 3 February 2011

Don't want to solve !!

Everyday we do face a huge problems. Problem in business, personal-mental,physical as well as sexual life.
''Statistics have shown, 70% of human suffering in common problem but in different ways, 20% of the people have big problem and only 10% have uncommon problem. Interesting part is above all 60% of the people can't identify their problem, only 5% do identify the problems and take action to resolve. So 35% of populations know the problems and don't act on it...!''
(Doctors Journals January 2011). (how funny !!!)
Currently I'm having a problem, I do know what is the solutions, but I don't feel like I do need to solve it, what the hell..!! It's human character...sometime we feel like let's make it big..more big.. how care.!!!