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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

An un-posted letter to O.Yadirgi !!

Dear Yadirgi,
I thought what you said to me the other day, about me. I stayed up half the night thinking about it. Then something occurred to me. I fell into a deep sleep and haven’t thought about it since. You know what occurred to me?
You’re just a kid. You don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about. You never have been out of your surroundings. If I ask you about love you will give me some book theory,-‘’ by saying you can’t see it, it’s only feeling.’’ You have no idea what the hell is ‘’feeling’’. If love is only feeling, then would you consider yourself, felling a love with a person who is sexually incompetent?? Of-course not, isn’t it?
 If I ask you about Men, You’d probably give me a syllabus of your personal favourites. You may have even been laid a few times. But can’t tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a man and feel truly happy, you’ve never looked at a man and been totally vulnerable, known someone that could level you with his eyes, feeling like God put angel on earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell. And you wouldn’t know what it’s like to be his angel, to have that love for him be there forever, through anything.
You don’t know about loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than yourself. I doubt you’ve never dared to love anybody that much. Maybe you do have lots of text friends, but, if I ask you name one of them, who don’t want to have sex with you, but truly like you as you are now and will like you when you’re older. You won’t be able to give a name. Because, you know that, there is no one among them.
I look at you; I don’t see an intelligent, confident girl. I see a scared, indecisive kid. You’re a tough girl, no one possible understand depth of you. How hard your life has been, how you feel, you’re terrified what you might say. Only handful of people can chose the different way. I don’t think you’re one of them.
Now you have got the beauty, perfect physical condition, so you can go out with anyone, but think about after 10 or 15 years. When you won’t have that beauty any more, you will get married a man, who won’t understand your value, Chance is break up follow by divorce! Well! Who’s best friend is ‘’Red bull’’, No one expect batter then that!!
Look at your wise, noble mum, sacrificing her beautiful life for her daughters. She has taken father and mothers both responsibilities on her shoulder. She doesn’t have any choice, because your father is not there anymore. All Mums are same; they will sacrifice themselves for their child. It is children’s responsibility to relief their parents.  I wish I could get one chance to do something for her.Don't you think somethings wrong??

Dear Yadirgi, if you think I’m writing you this letter, because you said you don’t want to be…! Or you don’t want anything from…!bla..bla..bla.. Then you’re 100% wrong. If you think this is not my business, then also you’re wrong. Because, the definition of ‘right & wrong’ are varies person to person. I’m one of those people, who always want to give, don’t expect anything Back. You didn’t recognise your best friend. If you forget everything, then just remember this- ‘A time will come, when you‘ll need someone like me, what a mistake you maid!’ I wish I could be there that time. No one is perfect, you’re not, and I’m not. But the question is whether or not we’re perfect for each other?  That’s the deal, that’s what intimacy is all about. Use to my mum call me shameless cat, I have got lots of cat habit. If you hit a naughty cat, he will go way for some time, and then come back few minutes later. If I’m sending you this letter you’re lucky, if not then also you’re lucky.


(This is an imaginary letter,)