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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Where Is Edge?

Juts think for a moment ! You are setting under the night sky, above you there is atmosphere beyond that moon and way beyond that are stars but, then what?
What is totality of everything? It is the question we all ask one point or another!
Is the universe gone forever or there is an edge? Simple question but very complex answers!!!
We are just beginning to understand how complex these questions are?

There is strange and mysterious world surrounding us. Imagine the sun just a single grain of sand. Our sun is one of multitude of Stars, surrounded by 200 billion of them in our won Milky Way galaxy alone.  Milky way galaxy is in itself just one of the 100 billion galaxies skated throughout the cosmos. This is called observable universe.  It has been estimated there are more stars in the universe then the grains of sands on all the beaches in the entire world. Just think about it for a moment!
 So, what is space? We always say ‘there is a lot of space’, I have very little space etc. Does space only exit when the stuff on it? Or does space is the meaning close by walls? Distance between two objects, does the gape still exit if you take the object away? What meaning we give to distance if it doesn’t have a start & end point? Ultimate question is ‘does the space itself has a start and end point? Or it is a place where things happen? We think we understand, but I can tell you we don’t.
The properties of space first described ‘Euclid’ over 2000years ago. We called it Euclidian geometry; He described simple logical roles, two parallel lines will remain parallel forever. If you draw a Triangle, the angles of the triangle always add up to 180degree. But, actually it’s not always true! This statement is changing when we look at the Curve space. In the curve space the angle add up 270degree.    
In the ‘General theory of relativity’ Einstein has shown the ‘Space' is bent and curved around us. Gravity is not force of attractions it is a curvature of space, so when an object falls it’s just following the curvature of space!  The reason we have gravity on earth because Earth mass bending the curvature of space. Einstein theory revelled that space is not unimaginable large but, it has shape & Structure; moreover, every things could be bent and curved in universes. ‘Edwin Hobble’ discovers that all the galaxies moving away from each other. So, the  universe is expanding, as predicted by Einstein. It also mean, long back in the time the universe was small like as a . (Dot)

When light source approach us, the light wave compressed, it will appear ‘blue’. If an object is receding the light wave stretched out, then the light source appears ‘red’. That’s why distance galaxies look read as it’s light beam starched out.

The tiny spot of Red light (photon) we see at the night sky, some of them start there journey long before we human even born in this earth. Light is massager for a long forgotten era. Through light we can discover how the universe began. At the night sky we see around 250thoused stars through the naked eye, every star we see with the naked eye is a sun that sits in our won galaxy, the Milky Way. In 2004 Hubble telescope took a picture at the night sky and capture the most distance galaxies in the universe,called ‘Hubble ultra Deep Field’,  This picture has taken over 11 days period. Almost every point of light of that image is not a star but galaxy, most distance galaxy is 13 billion light years way. That mean the light began its journey to earth 13 billion years ago, & and its over 3 time over the age of earth.
Living in the mini squall of space orbiting around the single grain of sand, we manage to reduce the size and shape of all those galaxy beaches. Isn’t it astonishing !!